• Teléfono : +34 954 623 841
  • Oficina: c/ Alberche, 6 local 34, 41005-Sevilla
  • Almacén: c/ Esparteros, 7, 41600-Arahal




As distributors of CHR Hansen, a leading company in bacteria, we can provide different bacteria or association of lactic bacteria, to achieve optimum results within pH parameters, free and combined acidity, in the process of dressing green olives.

We boast more than 30 years’ experience using lactic acid bacteria with highly positive results that endorse their high standards. Despite this and given that the table olives sector has evolved considerably in collection processes, “cooking” (caustic hydrolysis), washing, etc., CHR Hansen with our collaboration and that of our customers, maintains a line of R&D+i to improve the performance of these bacteria in order to obtain an enhanced product and thus avoid risk areas with unwanted fermentations of other bacteria.

We can provide customers our support with:

  • Asesoramiento
  • Controles de fermentadores (sal, pH, acidez libre y combinada)


We also offer the necessary additives for the best preservation of both black and green olives.

In the specific case of unpasteurised or sterilised olives, we have developed in-house blends for this purpose.

All these mixtures are controlled by health inspections and audits by IFS Food and IFS Logistics (food safety certifications).

These mixtures are:

  • Salmuera de envasado para aceitunas.
  • Salmuera de envasado para encurtidos con aceitunas.
  • Complejo sabor anchoa para aceitunas.
  • Complejo sabor anchoa para encurtidos con aceitunas.


In order to bring different flavours to the olives (packaging brine) we can offer:

  • Aromas: ajo, laurel, orégano, limón,…
  • Sabor mojo picón
  • Sabor mexicano
  • Sabor chupadedos


Always adhering to IFS Food safety standards, we have developed our own fillings in our R&D department for:

  • Aceitunas negras
  • Aceitunas verdes

Amongst other fillings, the following are worthy of special mention:

  • Anchoa
  • Limón y naranja
  • Quesos: azul, feta, cheddar, manchego (D.O.), parmesano (D.O.)
  • Mezcla de queso con eneldo
  • Salmón y atún
  • Gamba y marisco
  • Chorizo y jamón
  • Ajo
  • Cebolla
  • Pimiento natural asado, pimiento, pimiento del piquillo
  • Wasabi


E-Numberless Glutamate Aroma: Due to the imperious need to find a substitute to replace monosodium glutamate, our R&D department has developed a glutamate aroma that has been widely accepted in the sphere of table olives.

Salt Reducing Aroma: Likewise, given the high consumer demand for low-salt products, we have strived to develop an aroma that can lower the percentage of salt in the final product, with widespread acceptance in the market of those sectors that want to reduce or eliminate salt from their products.